Select Programs and Projects Tab for Solar Training and Application
Select Programs and Projects Tab for Solar Training and Application
STEP ONE: Register and Complete FREE (2) online Prerequisite Courses
Courses are offered in partnership with Solar Energy International (SEI)
RE100 an Introduction to Renewables and RE101 Introduction to Simple Solar Math
Students will gain knowledge before enrolling for Courses PV101 and PV203 Training Progra
• RE100: Introduction to Renewable Energy -Prepare for your solar education and learn the basic concepts behind the
leading renewable energy technologies used throughout the world. Upon completion of the course with a passing grade of
70% or better, you will receive a printable SEI Record of Completion. This course is a total of 6 contact training hours and
you can sign up anytime and learn at your pace
• RE101: Fundamental Math for Solar Applications - An introductory course that covers the math skills you’ll use in
following solar technical training and classes, and day-to-day when working in the solar industry. Upon completion of the
course with a passing grade of 70% or better, you will receive a printable SEI Record of Completion. This course is a total
of 4 contact training hours and you can sign up anytime and learn at your own pace
Registrar's Office Contact Info: or call (928)724-6630
ENROLL in University of New Mexico - Gallup for Spring Courses
Contact: Ashley Velassquez
For One-on-One Registration Support contact:
Monica Manheimer - Instructor and Student Aide at:
Sun Power. Crystal Bay, Laguna Beach, during Ceremony.
Renewable Energy Technology Training Center - Pine Ridge, South Dakota.
RCR is advancing Solar Training across Indian Country with the goal to not only developing a Native-based Solar Warrior Workforce capable of deploying Solar Systems to community members across the Great Sioux Nation.
SEI has been advancing Solar Technology Training for Decades and has made a major contribution to supporting many organizations succeed in their specialized Training programs, and projects for many including RCR and Purpose Focused.
NUE solutions make a difference to professionals, communities and to the planet as a whole. Climate-driven disasters are increasing exponentially. We want to replace gasoline-powered generators with highly portable, solar powered solutions.
Gallup Solar supports Solar training and provides Small Solar Systems to graduates to be installed for Navajo families across the Reservation.
Empowering Communities for a Sustainable Future.
Sixth World Solutions takes a systems-based approach to develop socio-economic solutions for Indigenous Peoples, Nations, and communities.
NDN Collective is an Indigenous-led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power. Through organizing, activism, philanthropy, grant making, capacity-building and narrative change, we are creating sustainable solutions on Indigenous terms.
The VMLC is a vital Purpose Focused partner. Their Navajo-based program
has and continues to deploy Microgrid solar systems with freezers. This project employs Purpose Focused trained technicians to install solar systems capable of powering-up freezers to help minimize the health challenges of Veteran's with diabetes
SJCHE advocates for Social Justice, Racial Justice, Environmental and Health Justice; actively engaging communities in the use of Indigenous Knowledge of Hozhoogo na ada Research and Evaluation epistemology & pedagogy with scholars/professors/elders.
Higher Wire Inc. is revolutionizing the way the world views and uses sustainable power. We specialize in designing and manufacturing lithium batteries at our facility in Tempe, AZ, using domestically-sourced components. We're also solving environmental and supply-chain concerns by creating innovative technologies that make energy storage and generation more cost-effective and accessible, such as our patent-pending process that gives new life to old batteries. Those which meet our strict grading criteria are repurposed into other forms of energy storage, which requires less energy and generates no chemical waste as compared to end-of-life recycling.
In order to better meet the Agency’s responsibilities related to the protection of public health and the environment, EPA has developed a new environmental justice (EJ) mapping and screening tool called EJScreen. It is based on nationally consistent data and an approach that combines environmental and demographic indicators in maps and reports. Learn more about Environmental Justice at EPA.
A diverse stakeholder coalition is calling for increased investment in workforce development and greater coordination among local, regional, and national entities to support the growth of high-quality job opportunities in the clean energy industries, with a focus on the inclusion of diverse and underrepresented populations.
These recommendations are laid out in a report released today on behalf of the National Clean Energy Workforce Alliance, a forum uniting more than 500 stakeholders across the U.S. to improve recruitment, education, and placement outcomes with a focus on energy justice. The Alliance is led by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and the National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE) with support from Bank of America.
The mission of the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs is to maximize the development and deployment of energy solutions for the benefit of American Indians
The Office of Indian Energy performs these functions within the scope of DOE's mission and in support of the federal government's trust responsibility, tribal self-determination policy, and government-to-government relationships with Indian tribes.
Renewable Energy is Abundant and the Technology is always being upgraded. There is a demand for Solar Technicians to design, develop, deploy, and maintain Solar systems in all their applications.
Large and small Solar systems are being deployed for families and businesses. Solar Farm projects are being proposed on the Navajo Nation and across the country.
With the emerging Clean-Energy Economy
there is a high demand for technically trained Solar Warriors.
Access to safe drinking water is a human right, however it depends on where you live. Here in the richest most powerful, advanced nation...there is a lack of access to water on Indian Country. Here on Navajo, many have distant locations where they draw water from wells built over a half a century.
On Navajo COVID 19 has affected and infected more than any other country per capita. One of the major contributors is the lack of access to water.
To address this issue, PFAL has partnered with key Emergency Response Experts to provide Navajo communities the components for assembling home water filtration systems for families who lack running water to their homes.
Food Security begins with family and community gardens. In this day in-age, we cannot afford not to begin growing our own food. Traditionally this nation has been self-sufficient in producing healthy food. This is no longer the case,
Consider, Monsanto is the largest producer of genetically engineered (GE) seeds on the planet, accounting for over 90% of the GE seeds planted globally in 2003.
And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.”
Day Campers Our program is designed for parents and caregivers of children either entering Preschool, or Kindergarten. Each day's course is designed to Explore the Child's Innate Interests, Gifts, and Talents intended to prepare them for their educational journey.
Spring and Youth Retreat is a special weekend session for those campers ranging from 6th grade to seniors in high school. The structure and activities of this Retreat are designed to give each camper a little more freedom in their daily activities directly related to exploring themselves and creating a road map/vision board supporting their individual vision for their future endeavors.
Summer Youth Work Camp is how we kick off our fun-packed summer every year. It lasts a half week, and is an opportunity for campers for High School to College Students wanting the opportunity to learn and experience Traditional Indigenous Life Ways. But don’t let the word "work" discourage you from participating … there is plenty of time to relax and hang out with old friends and new. Consider great cook outs and home-cooked meals that we are famous for serving during our regular sessions and its all topped off with nightly reflections and celebrations singing around the campfire.
Mother and child anticipate what the experience will be when separating for the first time. Parents may experience anxiety about their child's transition from the security of their home to a foreign environment among strangers...
Our program supports the caregiver/parent to help prepare and support their child's healthy transitional experience, so they will come to love the learning environment and excel academically.
The Spring and Fall Youth Camp's goal of our program to guide our campers with an insightful explorative adventure to discover who they are and who they want to become. Our mentors and career guidance counselors will work with each camper to identify their innate gifts and talents, so that they can be incorporated into their life plan.
The Summer Youth Work Program offers High School and College students the opportunity to develop personal and professional discipline in preparation of launching their careers, ensuring their educational pursuits are aligned with their career choices. Ensuring a return on their investment not only monetarily, but personally and professionally fulfilling.
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